
Hume on Custom & Habit

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First Paper Assignment; Hume on Customs and Habits “Custom, then, is the great guide of human life. It is that principle alone which renders our experience useful to us, and makes us expect, for the future, a similar train of events with those which have appeared in the past. Without the influence of custom, we should be entirely ignorant of every matter of fact beyond what is immediately present to the memory and senses. We should never know how to adjust means to ends, or to employ our natural powers in the production of any effect. There would be an end at once of all action, as well as of the chief part of speculation.” (Hume, Enquiry) Hume is a philosopher who believes in the Copy Principle. That all ideas derive from vivid …show more content…

Hume has concluded that Customs and Habits attained from past experience are necessary for us to navigate about the world. When these experiences are repeated and the outcomes are consistent, we build a causal relation between the ideas and naturally accept the Principle of Uniformity of Nature. With this we have created a custom by which grants us the reason to look forward to and expect for the future. The absence of custom and expectance may lead to a meaningless and aimless life. References Perry, Bratman and Fischer (eds.), (2010). Introduction to Philosophy: Classical and Contemporary Readings. New York: Oxford University Press Heide, D. (2013). Philosophy 100W lecture on Hume on Causation, delivered at Simon Fraser University on 16 January,

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