
Human Resources Management

Good Essays

HRM February 12, 2016 Managerial Promotions Formula & The HRM Model The article that is the basis for this assignment, provides a framework to analyze the different aspects that managers and other executives use to promote employees in an organization. From this author’s understanding, this article for this assignment was written to dispel “disconnects [that] occur in part due to differing view of why one was promoted and other were not.” (Service 2008). This article also proffered a revised formula consisting of 30 factors that, though not dispositive when taken individually, with a totality of the factors, can determine why someone is and is not hired. This article and its authors, also present the idea that the 30 factors, …show more content…

In today society, due to a large number of factors, the college degree is the equivalent of the high school diploma from the 1970’s. (Farrington, 2014). During and after the Great Recession, hiring practices became more and more competitive. This is where the importance of having an advanced degree, tough not too advanced for the market, comes into play. For example, if two people were to apply for the same job, say a manager of some business, a person who excelled in an MBA program would outcompete the other candidate who just has a business degree. Earning these advanced degrees can tend to show a candidate’s dedication to a particular field and also a more thorough, though theoretical, understanding of the complex issues within a particular field. Yet, the issue of the cost benefit of the advanced degrees has come under scrutiny with the ever increasing rise in tuition prices. Though economists generally hold that people with an advanced degree could earn more than $3 million dollars over someone with just a bachelor’s degree, it begs the question of if the cost of incurring debt to achieve the advanced degree is worth it. This author is of the opinion that so long as you ascertain an advanced degree that does not make you over qualified for the market (e.g. having a Ph.D in accounting when most Big 4 firms only require a MAcc). As studies have shown, in the current employment climate of the post recession United States, 20 percent of the open

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