
How Were The Americas Peopled? Discuss The Human Migration To North America?

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1. How were the Americas peopled? Discuss the human migration to North America.

The first people crossed into North America when the Ice Age had turned the Bering Strait into a land bridge that connected Siberia to Alaska. When the people from Siberia wondered they were near the Rocky Mountains and continued traveling reaching the Northern Great Plains. The people who stayed in America and did not go back (or make it back) before the Bering Strait turned back into a body of water came to be known as Indians. Theses Indians divided themselves into regions and tribes, and each were successful at different skills and developing different crops. The Olmecs settled in Mexico and were the first to build cities, pyramids, sculptures, and developed beans squash and maize. The Mayas were in the jungles of the Yucatan Peninsula, they developed some astronomy, math, and written language. Other tribes were scattered from the Great Lakes to British Columbia and California. The animals that these tribes hunted and used were elk, antelope, small game, fish, whales, seals, moose, and caribou. …show more content…

Discuss the forces that drove Europeans to exploration. Why was America discovered in 1492 and not two centuries earlier or two centuries later?

Although many people debate whether or not Columbus actually discovered America, he indeed discovered part of America—South America. Other explorers landed in Eurasia and other surrounding areas never sailing far enough to actually reach the Americas. Columbus thought he had initially sailed to Japan, but had actually sailed to the Bahamas and also sailed past Cuba and Hispaniola. The land was eventually named America in honor of Vespucci, who discovered that the islands (South America) were actually between Europe and Asia.

3. Discuss the impact of disease on Native American populations. Was that the deciding factor that led to the collapse of some of the major Native American

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