
How The Spread Of The Black Plague In Elizabethan England

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The rhyme, Ring Around the Rosie has been seen as a happy children’s game for centuries. However, in reality, this song alludes to the dreadful and painful plague during the Elizabethan era in England, giving humankind a sense of deaths remorseful guilt. Yersina Pestis, the bacterium causing the plague first reached England through trading ships, and continued to quickly spread through fleas and rats. Victims of the bubonic plague would face gut wrenching symptoms ultimately leading to death. These deaths resulted in major population decline, and abandonment of villages and farms causing disrupt to the Feudal system. Rigor of the black plague is clearly seen through acquiring knowledge of the spread, symptoms, and after effects of this damaging disease. …show more content…

Disease spread across the globe originating from Chinese trading ships in the 13th century which carried infected rats: “The Black Death reached England in August 1348. It first appeared in Dorset, and had spread to London by November” (Somerville). The Black Plague reached England during the mid 14th century, and repeated outbreaks occurred in cities such as London until the 1800’s. Infected rats made their way off ships towards land, and began the horrific plague. Although many diseases spread through the air, the plague offered an extraordinary spread. Regarding this information, in article one it says, “Bubonic Plague is carried by black rats, and spreads to humans by the fleas that infest them” (Somerville). This evidence assists in explaining that the plague is transmitted when a flea drinks contaminated rat blood. Then, a flea bites a human, and they become infected with a very menacing bacterium. The complex diffusion of The Bubonic Plague from bacterium, to rats, ships, and land show it’s painstaking

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