
How Music Affects Child Development

Decent Essays

The area of interest for my research this semester revolves around music and children. My three research questions are 1. How does music affect behavior? 2. How do different types of music affect development in children? 3. Does music have a substantial role in child development? I chose this as my area of interest because I have always been passionate about both music and children. I grew up listening to a wide variety of music. Hip-hop, Country, R&B, Opera, Jazz, Rap, Pop, etc. I was also involved in many choirs, and even got the chance to participate in a couple musicals. My appreciation for music has grown substantially over the years, as well as my interest in its effects. Children are another major part of my life as I have always been intrigued by them. It is amazing to see a child grow and develop. Seeing from when they are first born, to watch them slowly reach milestones and develop their minds, and just their outlook on life is very fascinating. …show more content…

If something as common as music has a significant effect on development, research can be extremely important for people trying to make informed decisions for their children. Referencing the title, I know The Incredibles made a remark insinuating that playing Mozart for a baby can make them smarter. Though the research on the Mozart Effect and IQ has shown no significant discovery, the inspiration behind this is brilliant. Music has to have some sort of effect on the brain, further than slight stimulation. There must be a reason that many kids toys, tv shows, books etc. use a lot of music; especially educational media. I know it can be very influential, but the effect it has on a child mentally and developmentally I feel can be further

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