
How Does Steinbeck Use Foreshadowing In Of Mice And Men

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Have you ever noticed anyone using foreshadowing in their stories? John Steinbeck tells a powerful story about two opposite friends, Lennie and George. This story takes place in the 1930s, which was during the time of the Great Depression. These characters travel together in hopes of creating a new life later on, but it doesn’t go as planned. How is foreshadowing used by Steinbeck? Foreshadowing is a device used by an author to provide clues of what is to come. Steinbeck used animal importance and the use of dialogue to foreshadow George and Lennie’s failed dream. First, animal importance is used to help foreshadow George and Lennie’s disastrous conclusion. One example of this is, ““The way I’d shoot him, he wouldn't feel nothing. I’d put the gun right there.” He pointed with his toe. “Right back of the head. He wouldn’t even quiver,”” (Steinbeck 45). This shows that Candy's dog is representing Lennie. In the end Lennie is shot in the back of the head, like the dog. Also, it shows that the dog is suffering enough already, which also represents Lennie. In the poem “To a Mouse” it says,” The best laid schemes of mice and men go often askew,” (Burns). This reveals that mice and men are similar because the mouse’s plan didn’t go as expected, and neither did George and Lennie’s. Animal importance helps foreshadow the events …show more content…

In Of Mice and Men George states, “I ain’t got time for no more,” (Steinbeck 15). This evidence helps prove that George really didn’t believe in the dream in the first place. In the book Crooks tells Lennie,”’ every damn one of ‘em’s got a little piece of land in his head. An’ never a God damn on of ‘em ever gets it, (Steinbeck 74). This tells us that Crooks already knows it won’t happen for them which also shows that it’s already predicted that their dream isn’t going to fall through. Steinbeck uses dialogue to help foreshadow the conclusion of this

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