
How Does Jackson Use Symbols In The Lottery

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In the short story, The Lottery, Jackson tells a rich symbolic story of a little village that practiced the art of sacrificing a person annually, to ensure the success of the cultivation of crops. One of the rhetorical devices that was used heavily was the practice of symbolism throughout the short story. Symbolism is the use of symbols to represent ideas and opinions that the author has, and we see a various number of different symbols, be it an object, a name, or possibly even a concept, that can be established, in The Lottery, as the reader tries to make sense of the situation at hand. In The Lottery, Jackson used the name of characters and their actions to symbolize and depict how twisted and hypocritical society is, and also used the objects and the ideas that were practiced in the short story to show the shortcomings of a society that practices outdated and rudimentary traditions that hold no place in a civilized society. We see this symbolism through one of the main …show more content…

Jackson riddles the short story with many examples of symbolism in the novel with the most symbolic being the black box, the slips of paper, the three legged stool, and the stones, with each symbolizing some sort of criticism of the backwards traditions and customs of society. One very good use of symbolism is in how Jackson used the Black Box to explicate in how society has an illogical and backwards approach to keep traditions that serve little to no purpose in present day society, and how the black box itself represents the confinement of society. One way we see in how the people of the village worshipped and adored the Black box, is the people’s indifference to create a new black box, even though the “black box grew shabbier each year: by [then] it was no longer

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