
How Do Things Changed Over Time

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Since the beginning philosophers had been trying to figure out what everything was made of. Thales of Miletus, the first natural philosopher, said that everything was made of water and was the first to introduce the meaning of change. He believed there were two types of change, qualitative change and quantitative change. From there philosophers theorized how things changed over time. Anaximander, a student of Thales, believed that everything in the universe came from an aperion (a boundless and intermediate realm). Next came Anaximenes who said that everything came from air. In which the quantity of air would determine the type of object formed, the colder the tighter and the looser the warmer. Next, Pythagoras believed that everything was …show more content…

He basically contradicted Heraclitus by saying that change leads to something being unknown. In other words, he believed that you couldn’t know what something was made of it was constantly changing. For example, if wood is turned into paper, it so no longer the same thing. Therefore, transforming it to something completely different makes it loose its identity. Parmenides also argued that we couldn’t say that something was “non-being”. For instance, if I were to say that flying unicorns didn’t exist, he would say that there is either flying unicorns out there, in which then I would be lying, or there are not, in which then I would be saying that flying unicorns are nothing, which can’t be true because our thoughts of flying unicorns can’t be referred to simply absolutely nothing. Thus, he explained that reality must be kept in line with the principle of non-contradiction, in which we cannot say that A is not B. For Parmenides, reality had to be eternal, uniform, and all the same in a continuous perfect sphere with no empty space. He believed that “being” was the only homogeneous substance that filled this sphere. This included humans, air, and every possible thing that we claimed to see in our everyday lives. This concept was eventually known as his theory of one, which basically claimed that everything was just one big substance known as being. However, Parmenides

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