
How Did The 1967 Referendum Affect The Economic Wellbeing Of Australia

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Prior to 1967 Aboriginals and Torres Straight Islanders did not have the right to vote and were not counted in the national census. On the 27th May 1967, a referendum took place in order to alter the Australian constitution. The referendum gave aboriginals and Torres straight islanders the right to be accounted for in the national census as well as pass laws regarding indigenous Australians. During the referendum a 'yes vote' took place which was to ensure social acceptance and justice for aboriginals and Torres Straight islanders. A high amount of 90% of Australians from all states voted in favour of the 'yes vote'. This was the beginning of aboriginals gaining a symbol of recognition.

One of the many impacts during the 1967 referendum were the aboriginals beginning to gain a voice, due to them being counted in the census and therefore their social status was improved. Due to the vast amount of …show more content…

The economic wellbeing of the aboriginals was changed due to them being able to be educated, the eventually go to work and sustain a living for themselves and there families. The economic wellbeing of aboriginal people was changed after the Australian constitution changed there views on aboriginals and no longer saw them as flora and fauna, people now could see that aboriginals weren't useless people and could work just like white people and be able to be paid the same amount as them. With the Aboriginals being counted within in the census and being able to now vote, people began to see that they were cable of everything the White people do. Like work, go to school etc. After the referendum Australia had a lot more people working, which meant Australia had an economic boom and we saw Australia begin to grow more and more. Overall the referendum had a highly positive impact on the economic wellbeing of the Aboriginals and

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