
How Did Slavery Affect American Society

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After industrial revolution, as America expanded, so did the slavery. As the industries expanded towards south, demand of slavery increased. It hurts to read through these chapters how the slavery was so popular in this era and how they were treated. One master said, “I govern them without the whips”. Another master said, “I should sell them if they do not conduct themselves as I wish”. In 1817, when the when American Colonization Society began to transport a few freed blacks to Africa, but the southern plantation system was expanding rapidly that led to slave states from eight to fifteen in just fifty years. The law called them as the movable property of whites.
After 1820, almost one third of the white families owned slaves, another third were propertyless farmers and the rest were laborers. Free black population increased in North and South after Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama became states. Jefferson called slavery a ‘misfortune’ or ‘a necessary evil’ but southern apologists believed it was ‘good’ because it provided an elegant lifestyle for white elite and provided protection for genetically inferior Africans. It is no surprise that Alexander Stephen said, “ as a race, African is inferior to the white men”. Because today also people …show more content…

Some practiced Islam but others became Christians. Certainly, Church and family became core institutions of American society, providing strength and solace amid the tribulations of slavery. A black activist remarked in 1852, “We are slaves in the midst of freedom”. The religious passion produced by the Second Great Awakening created another incentive for the drive west. Indeed, many settlers believed that God himself blessed the growth of the American nation. However, in rigid American caste system, free blacks stood as symbols of hope to enslaved African Americans and as symbols of danger to most

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