
How Did Adam Smith Impact America

Decent Essays

Aalia Haque
Mr. Foley
Honors World History
May 23, 2017
Adam Smith’s Impact on Current America “No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable” (Adam Smith). Adam Smith was known as one of the most intelligent economists and has been impacting many from day one. He was a Scottish philosopher who later started to change into a political economist in the middle of his career. His famous writings still hold a special touch to them because they still impact many 200+ years later. His economic philosophies written in the books such as, “The Wealth of Nations” and “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations” have impacted current America more than we think. …show more content…

His book contained ‘The Elements of Prosperity’ which only continued his point to a successful government. The American government has learned and only continued to use his intelligent path to success. It has been said that “Founding Fathers James Madison, Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton all cited Wealth of Nations in speeches, letters or reports” (How Adam Smith Influenced the U.S. Economy 1) showing how our founding fathers have learned from him and his …show more content…

In this specific book, he talked about a now famous term called the “invisible hand.” This was a free-market term to refer to the interaction between supply and demand to pushing markets to temporary stability while discussing money, divisions of labor and many other concepts (Investopedia). Smith has argued that “by giving everyone freedom to produce and exchange goods as they pleased (free trade) and opening the markets up to domestic and foreign competition, people's natural self-interest would promote greater prosperity than with stringent government regulations. Smith believed humans ultimately promote public interest through their everyday economic choices” (Investopedia). The simple definition would be “the sum of many phenomena that occur when consumers and producers engage in commerce” (Investopedia). Now, the modern invisible hand has a more general meaning behind it. The invisible hand process is upon which an end results going to be interpreted in a somewhat inaccurate way (Joyce). What many may not notice, is that they can think of anything as a market and how people react to allurements. It is used very often every day whether they recognize it or not, only proving how Smith worked in his philosophies with common knowledge. Many of his philosophies originate from common knowledge but he extends the meaning

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