
Hotel Literature Review Essay

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Literature review:
Hotels today are much more than just a place to sleep or take a rest. Many travelers see them as an integral part of a gateway experience with the recent boom in luxury hotels, travelers can choose a hotel that is much a selling point as the destination itself. The hotel industry alone is a multibillion dollar sector, its driving enough for people to work in different areas of interest and still be employed within the hotel industry. Nowadays hotels are providing great services to their customers or guests. Some researchers have defined “hotel” as a place where an establishment providing accommodation, services, facilities, meals and others for tourists and travelers. Sometimes hotels are referred to home away from home, …show more content…

We can realize that the competition among hotels with each other. Hotel top managers are focusing and keeping their head high on service quality because they believe that this is the most important for the customer, if you have good service quality then you’ll have a lot of customers that would make you have a competitive advantage than the other hotels that you have competition with. Service quality has been defined by Zeithaml (1988) as “the judgment of customers about the overall superiority of a product or service.” perceived quality is considered good when the experienced quality of customers meets the expected quality from the brand (Gronroos, 1988) They defined service quality as “a global judgment or attitude relating to the overall excellence or superiority of the service (Zeithaml and Gronroos, 1988)
Customer’s belief of anything is shaped by many uncontrollable factors which can include previous experience with other companies whether if it was the advertisement they watched, how they got their service and many other factors. We could say that customer expectation can be built on considerations, even including their own purchases and other people’s opinions, and the most important which is the word of mouth communication (Zeithaml and Gronroos, 1988)
Different customers have different expectation than others: one could like the same hotel and everything but another person can say that the same hotel isn’t good , so we could say everyone has their own way of how they perceive things. Service quality can cover meetings and exceeding customer expectations (Zeithaml and Gronroos,

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