
Honor American History Summer Assignment: Malcolm X

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Honor American history summer assignment:Malcolm X

1. Plot
Malcolm X was born Malcolm Little on 19 May 1925 in Omaha. Malcolm was the seventh of his father's and the forth of his mother's child. During this time, all the blacks were experiencing discrimination, including Malcolm X's family. To avoid the racial violence they were received in Omaha, the family moved to Michigan. Moving to Michigan really didn't help the family because even in Michigan they experienced violence. This also includes getting their house burned in Michigan. One day Malcolm X's dad walked out the door when he got into fight with his wife and didn't come back home that night. Later the family found out that he was killed and some …show more content…

When his mother was send to a mental hospital the family was split apart. All the children except for the oldest two were sent to foster homes. Not long after the separation, his mother passed away. After getting into a trouble at school Malcolm X got sent to detention home where he finished up to eight grade. Malcolm X then went to Boston to live with his half sister, Ella. It didn't take Malcolm X long time to get involved with the wrong things and with the wrong people such as Shorty, drugs,gambling and dating a white woman who was much older then him. On the other hand, his sister Ella wasn't happy with what he was up to, so he moved in with Shorty. Later on he finds a job as a porter on a Boston to New York train line. Malcolm X was amazed by the wealth and the luxury of New York that he ended up moving there. In New York Malcolm X worked at various jobs but ended up doing the same things he did in Boston such as selling drugs and stealing. When things starts to warm up in New York, Malcolm X headed back to Boston. There he teamed up with Shorty, Sofia and her sister and becomes a house burglar. Later on, Malcolm X was arrested and was sentenced ten years in prison. In prison, he under goes a spiritual transformation and …show more content…

At one of the meetings, Malcolm X met the founder of the Nation of Islam, Elijah Muhammad. It didn't took Malcolm X too long to revive Muhammad's attention and soon he was appointed by Muhammad as the assistant minister of the Detroit temple. During this time, Malcolm X changed his last name to Malcolm "X", which represents the unknown african root. Malcolm X traveled to his old place and tried to convert his old friends. Not only did he went to his old place, he also traveled the whole United States trying to convert people to Islam. Later Muhammad moves to Arizona and because of the long distance, Malcolm stated making decisions without asking Muhammad. Everything was going smoothly until jealousy grow inside of Muhammad towards Malcolm X. Muhammad states to ignore Malcolm X and spoke less about Malcolm X during his speeches. Things starts to heat up after President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. All the members of the Nation of Islam was told specifically by Muhammad not to comment on the the assassination but Malcolm X did. This caused the relation between Malcolm and the Nation of Islam to worsen. Later on Malcolm X came to know that Muhammad's unnecessary reaction to Malcolm X's comment was to kick him out of the Nation of Islam. Malcolm X was shocked with

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