
Historical Sporting Event

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Alternative Historical Sporting Event: Katrina and the Saints In 2005, Hurricane Katrina left a mark on the city of New Orleans so big that it changed the history of the world and sports forever. Homes were destroyed, lives were taken, and life was forever changed for the people affected in the city of New Orleans. Out of all who had the greatest impact on this event, the Saints had the most influence. Although the Saint’s Superdome had extensive damage, the Saints allowed citizens to take shelter in the stadium during the storm. This act alone made a great impact on society and history because it was a place people felt safe in. However, Katrina left a mark on the Saints as well. They couldn’t play a single home game during the 2005 NFL regular …show more content…

Often, times call for change and although, this event left a huge mark on history, I believe it happened for a reason. What would life be like if Katrina never happened? If it never happened, lives wouldn’t have been taken away, homes would still be standing, and the world wouldn’t be the same. The way people look at sports would be different. The way people look at athletes would be different. Finally, the way people look at and treat others would be different. If the Saints didn’t react the way they did towards this situation, I further believe sports wouldn’t have much of an impact as it does today. Drew Brees simple act of giving back to the community along with the other athletes, left a huge mark on society. If they weren’t as involved as they were, they wouldn’t be viewed as heroes and fan favorites. If Katrina never happened, it’s possible the Saints could have won the Super Bowl that year, furthermore. In addition, if this event never occurred, there wouldn’t be state of the art facilities for the community. There are many what if’s that could have been different if this event never occurred. Overall, as history has shown in numerous events, sports are used as a vehicle to bring people together. There’s something about them that helps people come out of their shell, do what’s right, and become involved in the community. Without them, society wouldn’t be the same and life wouldn’t be the same. They are essential to everyday

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