
Hispanic Racism

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Several say that Hispanics are coming to America to take all the jobs, as well to take full advantage of all the benefits the United States offer like welfare and section 8 housing. It’s sad to see how Hispanics are treated differently since there a different ethnicity. This discrimination will keep happening due to that the government system is corrupt, and because they don’t assign stricter sentences when it comes to racism or hatred crimes towards Hispanics. Although, if it was the other way around for Hispanics or African Americans being racist towards the white people or do hateful crimes to them, then it would totally be a big deal. The Hispanic population in the United States has increased throughout the years, but so has the racism. Sad to say that many other races don’t like the fact that more Hispanics are migrating all over the United States. Donald Trump our 45th president of the United States has created more racism with his statements towards Hispanics. In the article from “The Washington Post” by Michelle Ye Hee Lee, mentions that there been many violent rallies with many people getting hurt, as well as many protest around the United States due to these words from president trump “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people”. In the story “Black

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