
High School Class, Veterinary Science

Good Essays

A high school class, Veterinary science. It is located at my high school, and it is one of the classes that I am taking. I have this class once every other day, and only on the weekdays. All the students that are in my agriculture class can access it. I have two Agriculture classes, but I will only be reviewing my veterinary science class. I have had an Agriculture class since Freshman year, and I am in FFA from this class. My genre for my subject is a high school classroom. Agriculture is a good high school class, lessons that students can carry for life, with a teacher to teach the students lessons they can carry for life, and a hands on classroom. I need to learn lessons that I can carry on for the rest of my life. I do not …show more content…

When I talk about learning life lessons that is what I mean. I want lessons that are taught in the classroom but that I can use outside of class. A hands on classroom is ideal. In this classroom we do have some hands on lessons. We do not have nearly enough though. There is usually not enough funding for what we want to do. Rather than doing hands on things we take notes on the hands on things. We usually cannot do things hands on and just end up doing work on the computer. I wish that we could have more situations where we get do the lessons with the animal instead of with a picture of the animal. Another article I read stated that “It also encourages young pupils to do things for themselves, which will help them with learning independently later on in life.” This is why I wish we could have more hands on learning. Hands on learning can be very good for this reason. Students will then learn stuff for themselves rather than someone to do it for them. Of course teachers are still directing the class but they now get to do things for themselves. This article also stated that “Often demonstrations will give students the main idea of how something works, but place less emphasis on detail.” Which is also very true. Learning certain subjects by doing them is not necessarily easy, but

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