
Herman Melville's Bartleby, The Scrivener

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Herman Melville the author of “Bartleby, the Scrivener: A story of Wall Street” and other notable works such as Moby Dick, grew up in the nineteenth century encircled by the New York area. By the time Melville started writing his short story on Bartleby, Wall Street was already a big financial district. Melville’s father, along with many others, had lost their savings in the stock market. This novella was one that was very personal for Melville due to his father’s misfortune on that dreaded street. Melville wrote this story with a radical position that many others in his time did not agree with. One can theorize that Herman Melville uses his short story “Bartleby, the Scrivener” to display the isolation/alienation of people in the workplace. …show more content…

The duo summarize their own perspective on the conundrum known as Bartleby, and analyze a couple of other point of views. One of the perspectives they analyze is Bartleby as a political figure. Their view agrees with what Heneghan has presented in her argument stating Bartleby to be perceived as the disappearing working class: “authors have approached Bartleby as a political representative, a representative of the working classes, of organization man” (Beverungen and Dunne). The pair go on to state that Bartleby was meant to embody the idea of the alienated worker as a politicized Bartleby. In this aspect of their critique, one can agree with Beverungen and Dunne. The duo also analyze Bartleby as an originary character. As an originary character, Bartleby is confined to be a character who is an outcast from the working society: “Bartleby seeks to ‘be’ outside or beyond the social, to escape his entrapment inside the social—to exceed the social” (Beverungen and Dunne). This perspective also supports the proposition that Melville alienates his characters from each other. The final perspective that the partners acknowledge is Bartleby as a carefree character. This perspective shows Bartleby as an individual whom has no care for any authority. This is disagreeable to the view on alienation because he is not a carefree and lazy individual to begin with. He had a great work ethic initially, but it diminished over time with his

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