
Henry V Character Analysis

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Shakespeare celebrates this English monarch, displaying what makes him a good leader. Henry expels justice and mercy, he listens, he motivates, and he is gravely aware of his responsibilities as king. Like the historical Henry V, Shakespeare’s Henry V was an enlightened and effective executive leader. (Herbel, 2015) The play is often referred to as a vehicle for inspiring patriotism, which well might have been the case in Shakespeare’s time and was written as a tribute to the king who won back the throne of France for England. (Henry V, 2007) In the play, King Henry is portrayed as a strong leader through his character, actions, and decisions. Shakespeare’s play besides being a splendid historical chronicle and a dramatic masterpiece is a classic text on five lessons in leadership. (McCombs, 1992)

King Henry
Shakespeare’s King Henry V is first introduced in Shakespeare’s Henry IV where he is portrayed as an irresponsible, fun-loving youth. (Price Hal, 2017) In Henry V, King Henry is this play’s main protagonist. Shakespeare’s audience briefly witnesses the gradual transformation of Henry from a youthful hell-raiser and playboy to a dignified King. Henry’s immature reputation is described by the Bishop of Canterbury when he says that “with such a heady currance scouring, his faults” (1.1.). Leadership of King Henry
In Act 1, the audience learns that King Henry is planning to pass a bill that will take much of the church’s wealth away. He wants to use the money to feed the

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