
Healthcare Ethical Dilemmas

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In the Healthcare field there are ethical issues that arise daily. From balancing care quality to determining end of life issues, healthcare professionals are constantly trying to find a place of balance. Healthcare professionals do not have an easy job, they face challenging decisions every single day determining what is best for the patient and the organization. When an ethical dilemma arises within a healthcare organization, ethical decision making can help make an onerous decision easier. The four main principles that healthcare professionals must consider when making ethical decisions are justice, autonomy, beneficence, and nonmaleficence as well as professional and organizational ethical standards and codes (, 2016). This …show more content…

The self-assessment shows you what areas you are strong in and what areas need some improvement. When I took the self-assessment, I learned that I am a straight forward person who has good intentions and always tries to handle issues ethically. The self-assessment showed me my own strengths and weaknesses within ethical decision making. I learned that I shine in leadership and that improving the community health status is important to me. I aim to always do what is right and my own personal ethics have helped me through this. I learned that while I may have the best intention of handling a difficult ethical issue in a timely manner, that this is not always the case. I have found that I handle the easier ethical issues in a timely manner, but those that are more complex tend to take me a bit longer to remedy. I learned that I usually will foster discussions about ethical concerns, but that I do it cautiously as I worry about keeping the peace among colleagues and staff. My own ethical decision making is sound and from this assessment I have learned that even with sound ethics that it can be hard to always do what is right and ethical. I feel like healthcare is a hard place to work in at times. I say this because you can get caught between a rock and a hard spot quite easily when it comes to handling patient care ethically and still meeting all …show more content…

The American College of Healthcare Executives standards effect my ethical decision making by setting a standard for me and other healthcare professionals to follow. The ACHE standards create a rule of conduct for how healthcare professionals should conduct themselves. There standards set the bar high asking that healthcare professionals lead with integrity while making sure to uphold the core values of the organization. These standards help set a base foundation for me and my ethical decision making. The ACHE standards goal is to protect the patient’s rights and to increase the organization and patient’s welfare and my goals align with

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