
Have Smartphones Destroyed A Generation? By Jean Twenge

Decent Essays

In the article “Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?” Jean M. Twenge she argues that a generation has been taken over by smartphones. I agree with Twenge's theories, but I feel that she was over-exaggerating when she states that teenagers are on a "mental-health crisis". Smartphones differ with everyone some people know how to manage their time and still have a social life, but others are certainly more comfortable online than out partying as stated in the article. She is a professor of psychology who research's generational differences, work values, life goals, and also speed of development. She had been researching generational differences for more than twenty-five years. It all started when she was twenty-two years old and a …show more content…

Then there are the people that are very antisocial who like to stay on their phones, and rarely go out. I realize that I am categorized in the second group who is considered antisocial. I like to go out, but it is rare that this happens because I feel comfortable in my room. Whenever I do go out I have a great time with all of my friends. It is vice versa for most teenagers, sometimes they like to go out and party other times they don't; it just all about preference. It is not that teenagers spend their time much differently than they did back then, it is just that sometimes they just want to be antisocial and get away from the world for a while and focus on themselves. The author states that teens are less likely to party, drink, and get into an accident. I have to disagree with this statement of hers as well. My main reason is that having a smartphone, just having social media period, gives teens more access to parties. Social media helps promote parties, and a lot of teens who aren't even in high school yet can go out and smoke, drink and get into an accident just as easily as the teenagers did in previous generations. Also, social media can promote drinking and smoking underage, and if someone ever saw any of these posts or videos promoting this type of "fun", of course, they would want to go out and try it to see what they would experience for themselves. This is because the people on social media doing certain things they are not supposed

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