
Hate And Personal Freedom

Decent Essays

Hate is a simple four letters word with an extreme impact that could destroy the whole universe. It is the weapon that has been used since ages until this moment, and people still falling under his mercy. We were not born hating anything, but hate is a culture that we acquired because of many factors that shape our personalities such as community, friends and family. Do we learn how to hate?, is hate a personal freedom? and the most critical question is will it still be hate if we are living in the same world but with different names?, these are the question that I am going to answer on this paper. Throughout the ages, hate has found it place to take the lead of people judgements and emotions it was the motive in whatever they are doing. Who taught people that …show more content…

What if western called African, Arab called Indian, Latinos called Asian, and what if Islam called Christianity or Judaism, what if gays called straight and vice versa, what is woman called men well there still be sexism, will it still be hate in that case will the new Africans be slaves or the new Indian be pathetic, will it be still a class system in the world and judge depending on it. will Christians be called terrorists will it be the same like. Why not putting yourself on their shoes and see how they feel, why not thinking what makes you better than them or God just grant heaven to you and your nation, we do not know who is right and who is wrong so why not living in peace and respect each other’s beliefs why making these little unnecessary name determine your relationships with people and ruining their life why looting their right to live and make them grow the feeling of surviving instead. Spread love instead of

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