
Hamlet Insanity And Insanity

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One of the recurring themes in Shakespeare’s Hamlet is Hamlet’s unwillingness or rather inability to act and make decisions when necessary. Time and time again, he is given the chance to exact his revenge for his slain father and murder his uncle. Yet every time he comes up with an excuse as to not have to act. Granted he takes some action to prove that it was in fact his uncle that killed his father, however, he goes no farther than that. Hamlet’s inability to fulfill his destiny and take out his revenge that he wants shows insanity. Hamlet is a man who’s father passed away, his mother married his uncle, and he later finds out that it was his uncle, his mother’s new husband, who killed his father, this would cause serious mental issues in any man. Even though Hamlet may have feigned insanity, Hamlet is insane because he is clinically depressed, he shows signs of being bipolar and he has hallucinations. Eventually even in his insanity he is left no other choice but to kill Claudius, his uncle, however until then his depression, bipolar disorder, hallucinations, and overall insanity keep him from exacting his revenge. Depression is a mental illness that affects approximately three hundred and fifty million people in the world today. Is it too far fetched to think that a man who has lost his father, and essentially lost his uncle and mother too at the same time, is depressed? Any person that has gone through what Hamlet has gone through would be at a high risk of having depression. Not only can it be assumed that Hamlet, who has gone through many awful experiences, has this illness but it can be seen in the text when Hamlet has suicidal thoughts in the beginning of act three. Hamlet. To be, or not to be, that is the question:
Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, (3.1.63-66)
At this point in the play Hamlet is asking himself whether it is even worth living, he says that he is suffering in the mind and has many troubles. One can only assume that the troubles he is referring to are not only his external troubles like his uncle and mother, but also his internal troubles like his depression and suicidal

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