
Hamlet, By William Shakespeare Essay

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The play Hamlet is without a doubt one of the most famous pieces of literature in history. William Shakespeare beautifully crafts the play in a way that captivates his audience’s attention and causes them to reflect upon their own livelihood. Shakespeare includes many different occurring themes throughout the story, which he uses to show the consequences of human desires. One of these reoccurring themes that dictate the outcome of the play is the desire of revenge, which will ultimately lead an individual down a path of destruction. Shakespeare places this desire in the heart of the two different characters and shows how detrimental an outcome may become because of this corrupt desire. This desire for revenge consumes the characters in a way that makes their decision-making unreasonable and brings more chaos to the situation. These character’s decisions not only impact themselves, but also impact those around them in a substantial way. Characters such as Hamlet and Laertes have little concern of those around them as they seek to bring themselves comfort during their time of suffering. One may also observe the suffering revenge inflicts to those who are not even involved in the original situation. The first character inflicted with this desire of revenge is no other than the main character Hamlet himself, who begins to develop an enmity towards those around him. Once Hamlet comes face to face with the ghost of his deceased father, he is promptly influenced to seek vengeance

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