
Growth Of Porthaethwidge

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The Development and Growth of Porthaethwidge Introduction Porthaethwidge began as nothing more than a rural manor several hundred years ago which has since expanded several times. As one of the leaders of Porthaethwidge in England, it has come to my attention that there is interest in both an opportunity of business and of security. By purchasing a royal charter and establishing a weekly market, the town can expect to take in the tolls from the merchants. These funds can then be used for the creation of a wall around the town and its farm, which is needed in order to protect the wealth of the citizens and ensure its security. The town of Porthaethwidge is in England, near the ports of Northwest England by trail or by water. A monastery in …show more content…

Concern regarding the Plague A terrible disease has created catastrophe in many of the great cities on the continent, and we have heard that cases are being reported in England as well. Once it takes hold in a region, it appears that there is almost nothing one can do as the spread occurs so rapidly. The accounts of the disease are quite terrifying. We have heard from various reports, including a fictional story by an Italian, Boccaccio , about its terrible effects. This story described that this virulent disease could only have been sent by an angry God. It described scenes that created terror in the streets here. The plague sickness begins with just a bit of swelling under the armpits or the groin would quickly grow to the size of an egg. Soon there would be similar boils all over the body, and these would spread across the body, the family and village. Boccaccio further stated that it was a nosebleed which indicated that death was near. It only took the smallest amount of contact for the disease to spread, and for that reason in those places such as Italy were it was rampant, the removal and burning of filth had become part of the strategy. Everywhere there was panic at the cause of this new and most terrible form of death to whole families and …show more content…

The town leaders built a wall, obtained a royal charter and underwent the transition to the complex city. Tragedy struck many times, but the most notable was the plague of Black Death which came to Porthaethwidge in 1348. There was nothing like it. Not only did we lose half of the population, including many children, but we lost our way. We lost our routines and habits out of the fear of contact with another, which could bring sickness. On the other hand, we learned again to count only on each other. In the recovery from this terrible time we learned to come together again as a community, as we each had to take on unfamiliar roles in order to aid in the restoration. As the sickness abated, trade began once more, the ships came to the port, the traders met the ships and once again the salt mines were in operation. We have every reason to believe that Porthaethwidge will be a thriving center into the 15th century. In particular, the trade in salted fish is increasing, as the city has benefited greatly from being close to the fisherman on the coast as well as the salt mines. We have every reason to believe that tolls on merchants will increase, the local sales of agricultural produce and salted fish will also increase, and the city will continue to recover then grow and resume its previous

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