
Group Developmental Stages

Decent Essays

Group Developmental Stages The developmental stages of a group can be viewed through the team-development model forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning (Tuckman, 1965) but as each group is unique, these stages may not run concurrently. During the initial or forming stage, a contract is established defining the ground rules of the group including timekeeping, attendance, imparting of information, setting goals, tasks and acceptable forms of behaviour, which the facilitator needs to uphold and can encourage members to do the same by fostering self-responsibility (Carr, 2012). These boundaries enhance unity and help members to feel safe and promote an environment conducive to listening and interpersonal learning. To protect members from harm, the facilitator ensures the ethical boundary of confidentiality is adhered to (IACP, 2005) which, compared to individual therapy is more difficult as there are more people involved. The storming stage focuses on power and status, where members may behave contentiously by challenging or …show more content…

Group therapy provides a social microcosm where emerging dysfunctional behavioural patterns mirror those in external relationships. Varying dynamics will unfold during the process through the interacting relationships between members and the facilitator and by listening, supporting and offering feedback, the group can provide insight into how they perceive members relationships with others. This newly discovered self-awareness can lead to experimentation with different interpersonal behaviours, providing a corrective emotional experience with heightened confidence and self-esteem from which change can ensue (Yalom & Leszcz,

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