
Google's Tensions Rising Answers

Decent Essays

Due Friday 12/23/16 (turn in on Google Classroom): Answer the following questions. Each answer should be 3-5 sentences long.

If you were to rename this era, what would you change the name to and why? (original name was given to you with your era and was on your reading packet) If I were to rename this era, I would name it “Tensions Rising.” This was the era that led right up to the Civil War, which means that it was this era that was responsible for the Civil War starting. There was a lot of tension in the air with the north and south being at constant debate. We saw them debate issues regarding the economy (the tariff of abominations), cultural (the morality of slavery), and socially (abolitionists and slave rebellions). Overall, almost all of the events that took place increased the tensions in the nation, for that reason, I would rename the era to “Tensions Rising.”
What would you personally do differently if you were to do this project again?
I would not have spent as much time on the outline as I did if I had to do this project again. Initially, I went about this project like it was a …show more content…

The idea of trying to persuade the class into buying into your idea required a much different approach than we are used to, as now class interaction is a much, much larger portion of the project. This approach was, in my opinion, much more involved and beneficial, but, at the same time, worse than a ‘normal’ research project. Being such a new method of presenting, there was a lot of confusion. I heard throughout the week, and even on the presentation day, that people still didn’t quite understand what they were doing. Fortunately, the solution is simple, we just need more experience and practice with this alternative approach to presenting. Overall, I hope we do more innovative and interesting takes on presentations because normal ones are not as fun or

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