
Good Vs. Evil In Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde

Decent Essays

The fight between good and evil has been a topic discussed and argued time after time. It is believed we have both good and bad in us, in a quote from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix the character Sirius Black said, “We’ve got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.” Mankind has been trying to make better with their actions, stay to the light side, to be good. An example of this is the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde has inspired many other stories; people use it as a comparison as well. Courtney Davidson is just one of many. She and Dr. Jekyll may not have much in common, however, they would both agree on the quote, previously stated, …show more content…

Fear corrupts… Perhaps the fear of a loss of power.” The writer John Steinbeck was the one to say this. The quote can be applied to multiple stories, such as Courtney Davidson. Confessions of a Former Hazer is the story written by her about her summer camp experience involving hazing experiences in which she compares herself to Jekyll and Hyde. She went from being a junior, the one being harassed and hazed, to a senior the one doing the hazing and harassment. Known as a sweet girl who never did much bad, she compared herself to Dr. Jekyll. The Hyde to her story was she during her senior year at the summer camp she attended. After the previous year at camp she felt angry and hurt that she had become the victim of hazing, she felt like the seniors had taken her power away. This is believed by her to be the reason she acted the way she did her senior year. She wanted her power back, and hazing that generation of juniors under her was how she was going to get it back. The bad in her had temporally taken control of her actions, despite her more prominent good side. Acting on her good side is her normal way; she is good, despite her momentary laps. She would agree with Sirius black, how you act determines who you

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