
Global Branding the Strategy Behind Branding in an International Market

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Global Branding the strategy behind branding in an international market
Anna Rosenberg

International Marketing
Reykjavik University
Spring 2010

Table of Contents Introduction 3 History 3 Branding 4 Identification 4 Selection 4 Communication 5 Differentiation 5 Branding strategy 5 Look towards the future 5 Any product has the potential to be a brand. 5 A great brand knows what it stands for 6 Raising the bar when branding 6 Tapping into the emotional experience 6 A global brand needs to be consistent 7 A great brand is not one-dimensional 7 Branding across cultures 7 Conclusion 8 References 8

Introduction Walking through a store with over a thousand similar products …show more content…

Communication takes places after identification and selection. Now the company must try and reach their audience that is their potential customer in order to communicate everything there is to know about the product and the potential benefits of choosing their brand.
Differentiation can only happen once communication takes places so that hopefully customers can differentiate one brand from another. Once this stage takes place the company brand should be very clear and customers should have formed a relationship with the brand (Judd Branding strategy

When people are choosing a product and they have a large range to choose from, often the only way for them to differentiate from one product to another is through a strong brand name. Following are some steps in order to strategize the best way to build a strong brand for companies.
Look towards the future
According to Scott Bedbury, a veteran in the field of branding “In an age of accelerating product proliferation, enormous customer choice, and growing clutter and clamor in the marketplace, a great brand is a necessity, not a luxury” (Webber, 1997). Despite the fact that there are many brand names that have been alive for decades many companies have sold out their brands in the past couple of decades. The focus was on the short-term economical goal as opposed to looking to the future and focusing on the long term in order to differentiate the

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