
General Strain Theory: Rationalization Of Fraud

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Common Theme: Rationalization Often time, people who commit fraud will use rationalization to justify their actions. A few common methods are to convince themselves that what they are doing is legal and that it is necessary as indicated by both Bucy et al.’s research (2008) and Dellaportas’ work (2013). Others have deployed Sykes and Matza's neutralization technique to help alleviate any guilt (Dellaportas, 2013; Trompeter, Carpenter, Desai, Jones, & Riley Jr., 2013). However, the key point here is that they must first view their action as wrong or else there will be no need to rationalize their actions (Trompeter et al., 2013). Mr. Boghossian in his court statement denied his wrong doing despite mounting evidence that pointed towards him committing fraud (R. v. Boghossian, 2015a), which shows that he is attempting to rationalize his behavior to alleviate himself of any guilt. Even though we now know significantly more about fraud then we used to, there is still an alarming increase in the rate of fraud (Wolfe & Hermanson, 2004), but perhaps by integrating criminal theories, we can grasp a greater understanding of why perpetrators commit fraud to better prevent them for doing so. General Strain Theory General Strain Theory (GST) may hold the key into solving or further …show more content…

This study was also crucial as it was a study based on non-American students which shows how GST can apply to multiple cultures unlike its predecessors who believe strain stems from the American Dream (Tibbetts & Hemmens, 2014). Based on a wide range of studies, the general consensus is that strain has a "moderate relationship to offending" (Langton & Piquero, 2007, p.

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