
Gender Stratification in the U.S. Today Essay

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Discuss the issues surrounding gender stratification in the U.S. today.
Sexual characteristics inequality has been extremely diverse and wide spread. Women and men are disproportionate in every possible way in never-ending circumstances, both instant and durable, by both idea criteria and prejudiced experience. Therefore, what tally as gender difference in family life, education, workplace and politics? These social structures are assembly on the base of the masculinity and femininity, gendered role and gender identity society label to men and women.
There is sufficient, vital unfairness in gender relations within the family or home that can take many dissimilar forms. Family arrangements can be quite unequal in sharing the load of …show more content…

Meaning women have additional problematic issue then man. For example in education women face more obstacles as faculty rather when in manager and directors in corporate America. Even though there been great progress in the workplace, most jobs are segregated by sexes. There is wag gaps, the average women have to work roughly 4 months extra every year to make the same wage as man. For example, when the educational attainment increases the gender pay decreases for women no matter what levels of education than men. In other words, women earn 77cents for every dollar man earn and put in their pocket (Benokraitis, 2010, p.160-161). Discrimination where both woman and man share in the workplace is the glass ceiling and glass escalator. The glass ceiling being, “women efforts to scale organizational and professional hierarchies but cant because they are constrained by invisible barriers to promotion in their careers, caused mainly by sexist attitudes of men in the highest position” Similarly, men that choose to go into position like nurse and librarians encounter the glass escalator mostly vituperative criticism from the public when they are in the most female-identified specialties” “Therefore man are pressured to move out of the most female-identified areas, and up to those regarded as more legitimate and prestigious for men” (Williams, 1992, p.

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