
Gay Marriage Should Be Recognized

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“8” is play based on Proposition 8 where a same sex couple filed a lawsuit against the state of California. The play is a great example of equality. Everyone in the play got to defend what he or she believed in. The play “8” was written by Dustin Lance Black. It gives the audience a look into the argument of both sides of same sex marriage. The actors did a great job of getting their points across about why and why not gay marriage should be recognized. One side argued that gay marriage is redefining marriage and when raising children, it is better for them to see a woman and man married not a mother and mother, while the other side argued that gay marriage is not redefining marriage and that it doesn’t matter because they have the right to marry the person they want to marry whether it be same sex, or race. The actors in the play were very believably. I felt as if I was witnessing a real case in court. They stated “facts” and most of them had their information correct to back it up. There were a couple instances where someone began arguing their case and had nothing to back up what they were speaking about. The play “8” starts out with 2 young boys talking about Kris and Sandy which is their parents. The boys throughout the whole play weren’t really interested in anything having to do with the play. They were more so concerned about missing things like soccer practice, and other extra curricular activities that they participated in rather than actually being involved in

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