
Fund Du Lac High School Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Caity Farrell, a student at Western Harnett High School in Sanford North Carolina went to her guidance counselor, after finding out she was pregnant at the age of seventeen, about her college options. She had always dreamed of becoming a doctor and took honors and AP classes to make sure she could achieve that dream. Her counselor responded with telling her that she might as well go to community college because she already ruined her life. The schools are making student grades and attendance more important than their sanity and health. One in five students have a severe mental disorder and seventeen percent of students between grades nine and twelve have had suicidal thoughts. Nine percent of those students will attempt to take their lives. …show more content…

Dr. Debra Koss ( child psychiatrist) believes that in our society today teens and parents face more stress and pressures than ever before. When a student acts up the first thought should not be punishment but what is going wrong in this young one’s life and how can it be helped. In Fund du Lac High School three hundred fifty-eight freshman out of six hundred thirty-two participated in mental health screening and sixty-four percent of the students tested were diagnosed with a mental illness. Many factors are contributing to this bad school environment ranging from overworked students, students ridiculing other students and faculty that genuinely do not care about the students. A teacher, who does not take interest in the students and does not do their best to make sure their students succeed, risks destroying their students confidence. 8,300 students drop out on a average day. These students say they drop because they don't feel safe, they can't keep up, they couldn't attend everyday or they did not have the confidence they would finish the class. Students everyday are either dropping out or hurting themselves because of the events that happen inside these school buildings. Forty percent of parents say children experience the most stress from academics. Chronic stress causes a sense of panic which causes more stress. “Despite whatever is going on -if you are a bit depressed, stressed, or overwhelmed you want to put up this positive

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