
Functionalists on Age Inequality Essay

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Outline and assess the functionalists’ theory of social inequalities
The Functionalist theory believes that Social stratification, including age inequality, is necessary for the functioning of a healthy society. Their perspective of social inequality is the belief that "inequality is not only inevitable but also necessary for the smooth functioning of society’. Functionalists believe that Age has become more important in modern society; age provides the function of social integration leading to social cohesion. Parson argues that social cohesion is based on age groups knowing their place and their role. Children must be socialized into their adult roles. Eisenstadt agreed and argued that children have less status then adults. They must …show more content…

However, critics of disengagement theory point out that retirement theory from work and society
Moreover, elderly are exposing to ageism through the process of negative stereotyping and discrimination. Cardigan and Zsamigin 2000 argues advertising industries either ignores elderly people or present them in a negative stereotype. Labelling theorist ray et al argues ageism creates a self-fulfilling prophecy that causes the elderly to behave in a way that confirms those beliefs. Bradley refers to old age as neglected and hidden dimension of social stratification.
Furthermore, some people argue that it is not only the elderly who experience discrimination because of age. Young people also experience age discrimination in many ways. For instance young people often find it difficult to get started in employment market. Even though many young people who are working are paid minimum wage, there are 2.8 million children living at poverty in Britain, and young people are leaving universities with large student loans and graduate unemployment is high. According to Marxists the young provide cheap labour that can be fired or hired as necessary. Marxists would use the reserve army of labour for age groups at both ends of the spectrum.

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