
Fraudulent Medical Billing And The Social Impacts

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Fraudulent Medical Billing and the Social Impacts It is easy to see how fraudulent medical billing is having a major impact on the Unites States and the citizens of this country who rely on it on a daily basis. We often hear through the various new sources in this country, on the internet or out of the mouths of politicians and experts in the healthcare field about the failing healthcare system in this country. We often hear many different opinions on what needs to be done to fix our healthcare problem within this country and fix what looks to be a very broken system at this point. No matter what the solution to our poor healthcare system is one thing that is very clear is that healthcare fraud and abuse is playing a major role in the depletion of money in this country and the rise in healthcare costs for the citizens of this country. Healthcare fraud and abuse are different terms that describe different types of deceitful acts done by healthcare professionals or by solo individuals. Fraudulent medical billing is defined as knowingly submitting false statements or making misrepresentations of facts or false documentation to obtain a health care payment. These payments for which no entitlement would otherwise exist, knowingly soliciting, paying, and/or accepting compensation to encourage or reward referrals for items or services reimbursed by federal health care programs and making prohibited referrals for certain designated health services. Fraud healthcare schemes include

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