
Fat Tax Rebuttal

Decent Essays

Fat Tax: Rebuttal The fat tax is a proposed tax on certain unhealthy foods that lead to the development of certain medical conditions such as obesity. As obesity is a growing concern of many Americans, arguments can be made about how effective a fat tax may be if implemented. The opposing group argues that the implementation of a fat tax would discourage the consumption of unhealthy foods, reduce costs of medical treatment, and obtain government funding. Although our opposition has some strong points, there are still unanswered questions that need to be addressed. The opposition claims that a fat tax would deter Americans from eating harmful junk food. They compare a fat tax to the sin tax on cigarettes, which they claim has lowered cigarette usage in America. However, much like cigarettes, fatty foods are filled with addictive chemicals that make people crave more (Engber). Our opposition claims that because the sin tax helped lower the usage of cigarettes the fat tax will theoretically do the same for unhealthy foods. However, they fail to mention that the decline of cigarettes is also attributed to strict laws on their usage and the new …show more content…

Our opponents are wrong in assuming that the fat tax would reduce obesity. The tax would not help lower obesity as well as the sin tax lowered the use of cigarettes, since the two carry two different connotations. Claiming that the tax would lower obesity solely through speculation is illogical. Additionally, the opposition’s statement that a fat tax would deter people from purchasing unhealthy foods and that the government would use the money collected from the fat tax to fight obesity contrast each other. These fallacies in our opponent’s argument show that the reasons for the fat tax are full of misconceptions and conflicting viewpoints. That is why opposing the fat tax is the most logical thing to

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