
Fairy Tales Argument

Decent Essays

In our society today, fairy tales are full of magic, tiaras, ball gowns, and Prince Charmings, which serve as entertainment for their audience. Bruno Bettelheim, one of the most renowned psychologists and fairy tale experts of his time, proposes that fairy tales are therapeutic tools for children. However, the essay “Why Fairy Tales Matter: The Performative and the Transformative” by Maria Tatar proposes a different view, one deeper than therapeutic realms. She believes that children must read fairy tales because it is their gateway to the land of curiosity and imagination. Through these fairy tales, children are motivated to use the power of language to communicate and effect change throughout their lives. Tatar provides numerous proofs to support her claims, however the contradictory logic and substandard quality of evidence makes her readers question if reading fairy tales is truly essential for children. In the beginning of the essay, Tatar mentions Bruno Bettleheim’s book, The Uses of Enchantment, and asserts that it both gave fame and injustice to fairy tales. Bettelheim’s book symbolizes the effect of changing fairy tales to many different media. Tatar asserts the original motive of old fairy tales to tell cultural stories is now masked by the commercialized motivation of new fairy tales. She believes the new versions of fairy tales do not embody the vital teaching of language that fairy tales used to have. Tatar mentions that reading fairy tales is an essential part of children’s lives because it has numerous transformational powers that are vital for their adulthood. Tatar explains this by making three evident points in her essay. First, she asserts that even if fairy tales change from media to media, the emotional response is still apparent. Which then leads her to her second point that fairy tales have the power to evoke emotions from their readers. These feelings contained in fairy tales are young readers’ gateway to the power of language. Tatar exemplifies that the power of language is important for children to learn so they can accurately articulate words that impacts the world around them. (Tatar 55-64) Tatar also utilizes different stylistic approach to make her argumentative

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