
Face Negotiation Theory

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Stella Ting-Toomey
Face-Negotiation Theory: Research and Assessment
Stella Ting-Toomey
Face-Negotiation Theory: Research and Assessment

Face-Negotiation Theory:
Research and Assessment

Roberta Beauty Redding

University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Professor Philip Auter

CMCN 384

March 27, 2011
Face-Negotiation Theory:
Research and Assessment

Roberta Beauty Redding

University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Professor Philip Auter

CMCN 384

March 27, 2011

Face-Negotiation Theory:
Research and Assessment

Stella Tingy-Toomey’s face negotiation theory goes in depth on how “people of different cultures respond to conflict” (Griffin, 2009). How does one protect his/her public self-image or refrain from embarrassing the other …show more content…

Whether or not disputants reach an agreement, the mediation approach offers a safe place where no one need feel embarrassed” (Griffin, 2009).

Face-Negotiation Theory “Stella Ting-Toomey’s face negotiation theory helps explain cultural differences in responses to conflict (Griffin, 2009). People do not respond to conflict in the same manner. Reponses vary according to culture, goals, desires, and self-image. According to Fullerton, “a communication professor at California State University, Ting-Toomey assumes that people of every culture are always negotiating face. Face is “the projected image of one’s self in a relational situation, the way that we want others to see us and treat us” (Griffin, 2009). Simply, the Golden Rule, “do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”
As I mentioned earlier, how does one protect his/her public self-image or refrain from embarrassing the other disputant(s) when arguing? One can complete this challenge through facework, which is “specific verbal and nonverbal messages that help to maintain and restore face loss, and to uphold and honor face again” (Griffin, 2009). "Face influences conflict behavior, because, in any conflict situation, conflict parties have to consider protecting self-interest conflict goals and/or honoring or attacking another person's conflict goals. Conflict is an ideal forum for face-threatening and face-saving behaviors”

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