
Explain The Primary Purpose Of The Constitution And Identify

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Explain the primary purpose of the Constitution and identify the main rights we as US Citizens all share due to our Constitution. ( CO 3) Written in 1787 by the members of the Constitutional Convention, the US Constitution is the founding document of our nation’s laws and government. Within its texts, the Constitution outlines the operations and existence of all three branches of government, Executive, Legislative, and Judicial, as well as their functions and interdependence. The constitution also includes the Bill of Rights, and all other amendments that serve as a basis for any law created in our country at either the federal or state level. While semi-extensive, the main rights we share are those from the bill of rights, which …show more content…

Last, I believe the least important, although still extremely important, right is the right to assemble. There is strength in numbers, and the right to assemble makes petitioning the government much easier, as 100 voices are louder than 1. Discuss the constitutionality of flag burning. (Present both constitutional arguments from opposing sides, including what the current legal status of this act is.) (CO 3, 4) Currently in the US, burning the flag is legal, as per the Supreme Court Case Texas v Johnson. In their ruling, the Supreme Court stated that burning the flag was an exercise of the first amendment right to freedom of speech, and therefore could not be banned. This caused much controversy, and several attempts were made by the President and Congress to ban flag during, however, each attempt was overruled by the Supreme Court. Supporters of flag burning say it is a form of expression, and therefore shouldn 't be banned as it doesn 't bring harm or threaten harm to anyone. This that disagree say that since the Flag represents America and its ideals, burning it is a direct attack on all our country holds sacred. Despite the controversy, and attempts to outlaw it, burning the flag is still legal today throughout the country. Discuss each of the elements (or prongs) of what must occur to constitute a “search?” What Constitutional protection offers of

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