
Examples Of Miscommunication In A Good Man Is Hard To Find

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Mayra Cruz Professor Phillips ENGL-1302_53003 18 March 2016 [The Two Sides of the Coin]: A Good Man is Hard to Find In “A Good Man is Hard to Find” it demonstrates how miscommunication between the grandmother and her family member lead them to trouble by not agreeing on what their vacation destiny should be and caused a horrible tragedy. The story is about a grandmother that wants to go to visit some of her roots in east Tennessee, however her family wanted to go to Florida. She shows her son, Baily, the newspaper where this fellow that calls himself “The Misfit” is loose from the Federal Pen and is heading towards Florida, where Baily is going to take his family. As the grandmother insists that they should go somewhere else, the children’s mother didn’t seem to hear her, but John Wesley and his sister, June Star, who are the grandchildren tell her “why don’t you stay at home?” As she replies back saying “Yes and what would you do if this fellow, The Misfit, caught you?” This is a great example of miscommunication as the grandmother doesn’t …show more content…

She recalled exactly which road to turn on. She knew that her son Bailey would not be willing to lose any time looking at an old house, where she mentions there was a secret panel in the house, encouraging them to take her, as the children began to yell that they wanted to go to the secret panel. Baily said “All right!”...“But this will be the only time we are going to stop for anything like this.” The horrible part was when the car turned over and landed right side up in a gulch off the side of the road. The horrible thought the grandmother had before the accident, where she remembered so vividly the secret panel was not in Georgia but in Tennessee putting her family in danger just because she wanted to go visit that old

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