
Examples Of Inhumanity In Night By Elie Wiesel

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A Different type of Human Humans are evil, within each individual there is side of darkens and cruelty. In the book Night written by Elie Wiesel, he tells his story of when the Nazis took over Europe and sent the Jews to concentration camps. In his tear dropping book, the author writes about his experience in full detail of when he was taken from his home to when he was liberated by the American soldiers. In Night written by Elie Wiesel the argument presented is inhumanity, the behavior that the Nazis acted upon was inhumane. In the event when Moishe the beadle returned home after escaping the gestapo, he told Elie and the town people his experience, he told them this,“Infants were tossed into the air and used as targets for the machine guns”(Wiesel 6). Moishe told the people of the town his story, so that they would be aware of what he had gone through and warning them to flee before it was to late, although people “said he had gone mad”(Wiesel 7), he was telling the truth. It is understandable to think why the people speculated he had gone mad, they didn't believe the things that Moishe was saying in in his story, they didn't believe him because it is not something a reasonable human is capable of doing. …show more content…

In the process of being taken from their homes, the Jews were ordered to run by the Hungarian police, they screamed “Faster! Faster! Move, you lazy good-for-nothings!” That is when Elie said that he “began to hate them, and my hatred remains our only link today. They were our first oppressors.They were the faces of hell and death”(Wiesel 19). This was the beginning of there torturous experience, when Elie and the other jews grasp to reality, the inhumane act of taking their belongings, and forcing them to obey all their commands as if they were

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