
How Does Shakespeare Create Tension In Romeo And Juliet

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Walking on enemy territory, Capulet’s garden to find true love, is not a wise idea, especially if you’re a Montague such as Romeo. In the play Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare, is about two lovers, Romeo and Juliet, Romeo being born into the Montague family and Juliet, born into the Capulet family. Two diverse and feuding families that despise one another. Being a Montague, Romeo outlawed from going on Capulet grounds to see his love, Juliet, but he does it because of his lovesick nature. In this excellent and well known play, the peculiar balcony scene, composes a lot of tension exceedingly by the setting, staging, figurative language, images, and character traits. The setting in Romeo and Juliet, Act II, Scene II: Capulet’s Orchard: Romeo is searching for Juliet. Once Romeo finds Juliet in her window they …show more content…

Romeo is so in love with Juliet that he’s entered the one place that if he were caught, he will have been killed out of love. Romeo demonstrates this by his quote, “Who is already sick and pale with grief, That thou, her maid, art far more fair than she” (Dover 25).This is Romeo in astonishment over Juliet’s beauty and he is telling all the ways that he is in love with her. This causes tension because he will do anything for his love, he will sacrifice his life for her which very well could have happened in Capulet’s garden. In addition, Romeo is unmindful of where he is on the behalf of the way he calls after Juliet “O, speak again, bright angel! For thou art as glorious to this night, being o'er my head, as a winged messenger of heaven...” The exclamation marks show that he puts emphasis on his statement which could have been heard by the Capulets and could scare Juliet making her want alert others. Overall, the figurative language Shakespeare used demonstrates the love Romeo has for Juliet and its shown by Romeo risking his life while telling her all of this

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