
Examples Of Figurative Language In Fahrenheit 451

Decent Essays

Imagine being caught with a book could make your home, prized possessions, and family all disappear. Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 is a novel about the struggle of Guy Montag trying to bring censorship to an end in his city. Montag started out in the novel as a fireman who burns down houses with banned books in them, but then he met Clarisse who sparked his curiosity. Montag and the group of people he’s met along the way explore ways to try and save the last books from extinction. Fahrenheit 451 is known greatly for it’s relevant themes in the novel. Bradbury has a sense of consistency of relating the themes to current day society and what is to become of it.
Bradbury uses figurative language and incorrect sentence structure to enhance the thought process in Montag's head. When the rain was …show more content…

Mass media is starting to create inattentive and light-minded people. In the novel Mildred always refers to her TV, “Will you turn the parlor off?” He asked, “That’s my family.”(Bradbury ) People in this novel constantly prove that their main focus in life is to dedicate their lives to TV instead of interacting and feeling. Violence is the new social norm, and a result of anger and wanting people to conform to society’s ways. Bradbury wrote, “We all made the right kind of mistakes, or we wouldn’t be here. When we were separate individuals, all we had was rage.”(Bradbury 150) Another theme, violence, is a natural human trait among the people in the novel and today's human race. “And then he was a shrieking blaze, a jumping, a sprawling gibbering mannikin, no longer human or known, all writhing flame on the lawn as Montage shot one continuous pulse of liquid fire on him.”(Bradbury 119) The final theme, knowledge, is important, but society does not appreciate its value. “Knowledge is power!” In this novel people are afraid of the knowledge and curiosity in the mind. ADD

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