
Examples Of Figurative Language In Fahrenheit 451

Decent Essays

In 1953, an author by the name of Ray Bradbury wrote the book “Fahrenheit 451”. This dystopian novel touches base on many of the author’s fears such as numbness to emotions, no individuality, high suicide rates, and overpopulation. To strengthen his warnings, he used figurative language and symbolism.
In the dystopian story “Fahrenheit 451”, Bradbury warns that people have become to feel numb to their emotions. This is achieved through entertainment, most namely television. An example of this in the story is shown through Mildred’s “family”. But her “family” is only the characters on the programs she watches. When Mildred is watching her “family”, it’s not for a set amount of time, she is with her “family” for the entire day. It has come to the point where she is glued to her tv. But Mildred isn’t the only one …show more content…

The reader can see this during Montag’s chase. During his chase, the people producing the chase footage include the people in searching for Montag. The way accomplish they this is by announcing for the citizens to open their doors and to stand outside. But how did the film crew know that the people would help? The people were glued to their televisions, so they got the message and began to help. This prominent element of the tv also mirrors how people felt about it when it was written, 1953. Around the time that this story was written, the television started to become a staple in the 1950’s family homes. For example, when researching “events in the 1950’s”, the majority has to do with television. Some of these include but aren’t limited to “I Love Lucy” premieres, BBC becomes a tv network, and the first tv filming vans were used. Another warning Bradbury includes is how people have dangerous ways of entertaining themselves. Most notably, the younger

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