
Examples Of Dehumanization In Night By Elie Wiesel

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In Night, by Elie Wiesel, literary devices are used to create a feeling that you're present and spectating the experiences Elie and his family have gone through. Using literary devices such as repetition and metaphor emphasize the dehumanization the Jews have gone through. The Jews are no longer familiar with themselves when looking at the mirror. All throughout the novel questioning, personification, imagery, and symbolism get used. All of these literary devices have shown the dehumanization that the Jews have gone through. Wiesel had questioned his surroundings and the events that will continue to replay in his mind. Witnessing these matters has harmed his whole being, preventing his life to return to normal. “Never shall I forget the small …show more content…

Symbolism can have a big impact on the chapter or the whole novel. The item symbolized has an influence on the character’s personality. It can either be a motto or an important artifact close to their heart in memory of a person they cared about or a memory from a tragic event that has happened in their life. “Three days later, a new decree: every Jew has to wear the yellow star” (11); this had to occur in order for the Jews to lose their identities so they will be all “equal” and their individual identities are to vanish. The Jews were restricted from going out of their house, “attend synagogue, to be in the streets after six o’clock in the evening” (11). Music is not only an enjoyment, but it is also a part of their identity and without it, they feel empty. A great example of having music a huge part of their life is Juliek. “‘All right, Eliezer… All right… Not too much air… Tired. My feet are swollen. It’s good to rest, but my violin…’” (93); The Nazis even took away the privilege to play any musical instrument like a violin, piano, or guitar. Beethoven’s music was forbidden to be played since he was a German composer and Jews were not allowed to interact or perform anything from the German culture. Juliek was so worried about his violin being shattered to pieces since music has been a huge impact on his life and he cannot see any way to live without his violin. To Juliek he can die with his violin and without it, he is gone. To normal civilians, the most suspenseful time of day is in the morning and afternoon, but for the Jews during night-time is a nightmare. The Nazis’ goal is to exterminate the Jewish race and for the Aryan race to rise. “Were this conflagration to be extinguished one day, nothing would be left in the sky but extinct starts and unseeing eyes” (21); the “extinct stars” are the Jews being exterminated and nobody is left to survive by the end of the

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