
Example Of Greedy Algorithm

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3 Greedy Algorithm
Greedy technique is an algorithm design policy, built on configurations such as different choices, values to find objective .Greedy algorithms produce good solutions on mathematical problems. The main aim is to find some configurations that are either maximized or minimized. Greedy Algorithms provide a solution for optimization problems that has certain sequence of steps, with a set of choices for each step. Another solution for Greedy algorithm is dynamic programming . It is also used to determine the best choices. But greedy algorithm always makes the choice that is best at the moment to provide the optimal solution for the problem. A greedy algorithm for an optimization always provides the current sub solution. Basically greedy algorithm always gives an optimal solution to the MST (Minimum Spanning tree)problem. Some Examples that are solved by greedy algorithm are Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm and Prim/Kruskal’s algorithms.
Greedy algorithm technique relies on following elements:
• configurations: It consists of different choices, values to apply on data.
• objective : some configurations to be either maximized or minimized to get the predefined objective.
Greedy algorithms are applicable to optimization problems …show more content…

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