
Evaluation Of A Training Program

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What is a training program? A training program are programs created for teaching employees in particular skills. Employee training is an essential in maintaining a great staff and keeping everyone communicating. Having a training program that is well created to establish and achieve maximum results. The requirements of the training program are recognized during a training needs analysis (TNA). When a training program is executed properly, it would increase total production and provide the understanding, skills and approaches the employee would need to have a successful performance. The paper would reflect the creation of a two-part training program for twenty employees which would cover the training necessity to push the …show more content…

An analysis that incorporates the potential employees and the trainers involved with the process. The person analysis assists in recognizing employees who need training whether to enhance or increase better performance. The questions asked and answered within the training would cover policies/procedures, software, or equipment that would entail training.
Performance Analysis - Is there a performance gap? This analysis assists in showing whether the employees are performing at the company’s standard and through training are the employees able to improve their performance. When utilizing a performance analysis, you have the ability to identify who needs training where.
Develop the training objective for this program based on an analysis of the business.
• To focus on exceptional customer service
• Benefits of excellent customer service
• Consider obstacles to the conveyance of outstanding customer service
• Establishing ethical standards and norms behavior
• Creating an action plan to increase customers service skills
• Utilizing methods for dealing with irate customers.
Determine the training cost for the training program you are proposing. Include a detailed breakdown of time allotted for each piece, the subsequent cost analysis, and the total cost for the project as a whole.
The cost connected with the training program extends to the performance gap, and the impact on business.

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