
European Imperialism Africa Dbq

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The Colonization of African Countries The Europeans colonized colonized many parts of the world but the most colonized was the continent Africa. The European explorers started imperializing Africa after exploring into the interior of Africa and finding the resources that African countries had. What is imperialism? Imperialism is the policy of taking control of another country. There were three main reasons for European imperialism in Africa: Political reasons, technology, and economic reasons. The main reason for European imperialism in Africa was for political reasons. According to Document A, the purpose of the colonization of African countries was for political competition between European countries (Doc. A). The partition of Africa in 1884 through 1885 showed that France and Britain were the biggest winners in seizing Africa. The British took most of north and south Africa, when the French took most of western Africa. According to Document B, John Ruskin said,” This is what England must either do or …show more content…

According to Document C, the steam engine was used in boats for faster transportation which helped the Europeans sail to Africa faster especially through three types of rivers: Gambia river, Niger river, and Congo river (Doc. C). The steam boat helped Europeans explore into the interior of Africa by going through the rivers and exploring through countries to colonize. According to Document C, the repeating rifle made in the late 1800’s helped the Europeans colonize countries in Africa because Africans used spears and axes when the Europeans had a faster loading gun which was able to fire multiple shots (Doc. C). The repeating rifle helped because no African had fire power but the Europeans which helped because as more Africans saw more deaths they would give up. The repeating rifle was an advance that gave a chance to the Europeans in colonizing countries

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