
Eukaryotic Cell Structure

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Prokaryotes were the first organisms on earth. Millions of years later, eukaryotes would exist through evolution. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are different in regards to structure and size. Prokaryotic cells are not as complex as eukaryotic cells. To begin with, prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus. The DNA is enclosed in the capsule of the prokaryotic cell. In contrast, the eukaryotic cell has a nucleus which contains the DNA. The eukaryotic cell is much larger than the prokaryotic cell. The eukaryotic cell is roughly a thousand times the size of a prokaryotic cell (Singh-Cundy, A., & Shin, G., 2015). The prokaryotic cell stores its DNA within the cytosol, inside the capsule. The capsule protects the shape and structure of the cell. Inside the cell wall is the plasma membrane, which contains the plasma membrane. Within the plasma membrane is the cytosol and ribosomes. Attached to the cell is the flagellum. The flagellum is a whip-like tail that helps the cell move (Singh-Cundy, A., & Shin, G., 2015). …show more content…

There are internal compartments and features within the cytoplasm of the eukaryotic cell. Membrane-enclosed organelles perform specific tasks within the cell. As noted earlier, enclosed in the nucleus is the DNA. The endoplasmic reticulum is a network of tubes and flattened sacs that is connected to the nuclear envelop. Also located within the eukaryotic cell is the Golgi apparatus. The Golgi apparatus has the appearance of flattened membrane sacs that are stacked together (Singh-Cundy, A., & Shin, G., 2015). In animal cells, lysosomes exist within the cytoplasm. In plant cells, a large vacuole exists. The mitochondria is pod-shaped, and located within the cytoplasm. Chloroplasts are green pods which are also located within the

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