
Ethics : Ethical And Ethical Dilemmas

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Ethics Help the Helper in Ethical Dilemmas Fred L. Slack University of the Rockies Abstract In ethical decision-making, there is an established way to address resolving ethical dilemmas systematically and following established decision-making steps to resolve ethical dilemmas effectively. Applied established ethical-decision making steps along with an understanding of established ethical codes is essential Here we will comprehensively discuss how a professional would apply systematic steps toward a resolution of an ethical dilemma, and discuss the steps to consider taking in the process of making an ethical decision. What is the process to include the client in making your decisions? In what way or ways is …show more content…

My obligation to help the client is one example of the moral principle fidelity in other words, keeping the trust in this relationship with my client. This client is making progress and is benefiting from therapy. Here are the systematic steps towards resolution of this dilemma? Here are the steps in order to make a reasonable decision about a problem or dilemma. Step one; identifying the problem or dilemma. Ascertain all of the information the client has about the problem or dilemma, also any collateral information from an outside source like his primary care doctors or drug treatment counselors and legal sources. This will enable the professional to get to the specific nature of the problem (Corey, 2011). Kevin has lost his employment and cannot pay for his therapy. That is the scenario describing the problem. Step two; identify potential solutions, like Kevin receiving unemployment insurance or the possibility of county social services picking up the cost of his medical bills. Are there any cultural issues that need to be taken into consideration? Kevin could be an African American and have some mental disabilities that might qualify him for Social Security disability support. Step Three; Review the ethical codes that are pertinent to this type of problem. The code of conduct has some ethical codes Kevin’s problems might be identified under such as the code 6.04-

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