
Ethical Issues In Emergency Management

Decent Essays

Involving stakeholders is not a very daunting task. “To develop an effective emergency management system, the local emergency manager must involve all relevant stakeholders in the process” (Lindell et al., 2007, p. 29). Communication with all stakeholders must be established. They have to understand that the emergency management process belongs to them and that they have some control over the processes. These type of assertive communication will enable a good trusting relationship. Stakeholders are also very important in communicating information to the public. The public do not all heed emergency protocols the same way. Even programs that help the very same community has potential to hurt the community. “While these public programs are effective in mitigating the disruptive impacts of disaster after-effects, they may provide perverse incentives for individuals exposed to hazards” (Davlasheridze, 2017, p. 95). Individuals who are given aid, resources, and other means to support their way of life may solely depend on these programs and not take steps to care for themselves. Low income groups on government welfare have tendency to remain in these programs for longer duration. “Personal emergency preparedness is emerging as a complicated behavior that emergency …show more content…

Every scholar have the right to their research facts and are entitled to their opinions. Although it is a true finding, the journal must include some recommendation for the better future of FEMA. Mainstream media have the tendency to portray a negative image of emergency management. In the future, law makers must look into scholars and media’s actions in disaster areas. If their actions, lack of actions, reports, and/or procedures cause harm to the public, they must be held liable. The future culture of these organizations must change to pave the way

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